YSF Terms and Conditions
Organization of the 22nd FEBS Young Scientists' Forum (YSF 2023)
The 22nd FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum (the “YSF”) is organized by FEBS with support of the Congress Secretariat MCI-France. MCI-France is responsible for organizational aspects of the YSF for participants in Tours. By accepting your place at the YSF, you are indicating your acceptance to the terms and conditions set out below, as well as those for the 47th FEBS Congress (the “Congress”).
Eligibility and Use of the FEBS YSF Grant
For YSF applicants from FEBS countries selected by the YSF Committee to take part in the YSF, FEBS meets the cost of registration and accommodation and some travel costs for the YSF and Congress, as set out on the YSF applications page, through a YSF grant. By applying to the YSF you are indicating you meet the eligibility criteria for the event and will abide by use of the YSF grant as stated on the YSF applications page.
Travel Insurance
You must not travel to or attend the YSF nor the Congress if you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or are required to place yourself in quarantine. You should seek and follow the advice of your government before booking travel for the YSF/Congress and before travelling to the YSF and Congress. You are solely responsible for making your own appropriate travel and other insurance arrangements before booking travel and attending the YSF and Congress. FEBS and MCI-France shall not be liable to you for any losses incurred, including as a result of travel restrictions being placed against you or against certain countries due to COVID-19. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to abide by any Covid safety regulations in France, Tours and, and the YSF hotel.
Modification and Cancellation of the YSF
The YSF organizers are intending to run the YSF as a physical event, but if the organizers decide at any time that it is not possible to continue with a physical event due to pandemic or other such restrictions, the YSF may be held wholly or partly as an online meeting. The YSF organizers reserve the right to modify the programme, whether physical or online, which is published as an indication only.
We will only cancel the YSF as a result of circumstances outside of our reasonable control, including (but not limited to) pandemic, natural disaster, adverse weather conditions, fire or closure of airports.
Neither FEBS nor MCI-France shall be held liable for any costs or losses incurred as a result of cancellation of the YSF.
The YSF organizers take all reasonable care in making arrangements, and shall follow all available guidance from the French government in relation to making the YSF COVID-19 safe. The YSF organizers shall in no event be liable for acts or omissions in the event of injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity of any kind whatsoever during arrangements organized through contractors. In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty by FEBS or MCI-France, these parties shall not be responsible for any bodily injury, illness, death or property damage (including theft) sustained by participants during the YSF.
In any event, neither FEBS nor MCI-France accept liability for damages or costs in the event of bodily injury, death, property damage, illness, disruption to travel plans and costs incurred as a result of events outside of the reasonable control of FEBS or MCI-France, including (but not limited to) pandemic, natural disaster, adverse weather conditions, fire or closure of airports.
All disputes are subject to resolution under English law.
YSF queries should be sent to the YSF Organizing Committee by e-mail to ysf@2023.febscongress.org